Sunday 12 January 2014

Keeping it Fresh

Halloo Fresh peeps....I've been posting my daily smoothie/juicing recipes on the Facebook page and a few of you have asked how I keep it affordable plus keep up with the variety of ingredients.
Well that's simple, I've made it easy and sustainable for myself with these six tips.....

1. Firstly, although I live in the middle of nowhere, I do have two farm shops nearby and usually when I pop in after work they've just bagged up end of the day produce into £1 bags, so I’ll often grab those. When I get home I give them a rinse and prepare the items, so as an example if it's pineapples or bananas - they get peeled then I roughly chop them and pop them into resealable zip freezer bags. I even freeze limes, lemons, ginger & turmeric root in 2inch wedges as well.
All of the fruit (and veg) is easily accessible in one place in the freezer, when I pull out the basket it's like a colourful jewellery box of delights to choose from.

healthy smoothies2. I'm blessed with a love of gardening and a greenhouse which means I grow a lot of fruit. During the warmer months I pick and freeze a lot of raspberries, strawberries, red and blackcurrants etc. Spinach is very easy to grow and has a long growing season here, as does mint and other herbs that get much use in my teas and juices.

3. Sometimes I use barley grass powder in my green health drinks, it's only £2.64 for a good size tub from Canterbury wholefoods which could be an affordable option over Spirulina that often is way more expensive. Chia seeds may seem expensive in the first place but a little seed goes a long way.

4. The forth reason is that apart from biscuits  (look I never said I was a saint!) I will not eat processed food so I always have fresh veg/salad/fruit in the kitchen anyway. In the morning I'll gather the fresh ingredients for my health drink then decide which nibbly jewels from the freezer I'll add for balance of flavour and vitamins.

5. Jars of seeds, nuts, powders and oils are kept next to my Vitamix so that everything is to hand exactly when it's needed. I'm not an early morning person so if it was all too complicated I wouldn't be doing it!

6. My last tip is get yourself a couple of great receptacles for taking your drink out with you. Most of my recipes make 2 glasses, the first glass I drink straight away and the second I sip through out the day. I have a couple of shakers from Buchsteiner bought for a couple of pounds from the internet, they rinse easily, they never leak and I'll use these when it's not appropriate to carry a glass bottle.

ps, I've a lifelong obsession with limes...if you're new to making health drinks and maybe been a little exuberant and added too many ingredients to your drink then a few squirts of fresh lime can often perk up what may at first have seemed a murky mistake :-)

If you have a favourite smoothie or juice recipe do get in touch as I'd be delighted to share it on the page

Big Bright Blessings & wishing you exceptional wellness, Dawn 

Monday 6 January 2014


To be the best that you can're gonna have to love who you are right now...

If you're giving yourself a hard time about over-eating the wrong foods, drinking too much alcohol, things you did or didn't say or even that you haven't started a new regime yet, remember that beating yourself over the head isn't productive to positive change, it simply robs you of the power to make a positive decision right now. Give yourself permission to forgive yourself for past decisions, let them go knowing you're free to move forward, free yourself up to fall in love with your 2014 journey.
The distance between dreams and reality are the decisions and action you take, and to persevere with strength and stamina it certainly helps if you can be enthusiastic about your fresh journey whilst making sustainable new choices.
emotional wellness
If you've spent any time with me you'll already know that I like to take the most simple route to healing or creating change, I mean all we're ever really doing is shifting energy around right?
Although clients prefer a unique combination of energy shifting tools be it straight talking psychology, tapping (EFT), guided inner work, Reiki or relationship strategies, at it's most basic level I'm helping shift energy around and creating interventions to find a fresh perspective. I'm simply coaching the client to make fresh connective pathways in her brain so she's more able to look at the presenting situation from a greater perspective, and then, more easily create new possibilities in her life or just make wiser life choices.
Making great choices includes loving yourself, you don't have to be rigid and harsh with yourself, nothing is fixed, all ideas are fluid and flowing, we can progress to new positive experiences any time we choose and it really is much easier to love ourselves when we're being kind to ourselves.
So lets start at the very beginning, the very first easy and sustainable little detox action step that you can take to an emotionally and healthy you, is to alkalise you body. Make the very first drink of the day simply warm water with half a small fresh lemon or grapefruit squeezed in.
Drinking this on an empty stomach stimulates your digestive system, it helps flush out the toxins in your body, it stimulates your gallbladder, kidney and liver. If drank regularly it will decrease the acidity in your body, which is where disease states occur. It removes uric acid in your joints, which is one of the main causes of inflammation. You can then even upgrade your morning elixir by adding some fresh mint, lemon balm or a slice of ginger.
Plus if you start the day by taking control and being kind to yourself in this way, not only will your nerves thank you but you're more likely to continue making calmer healthful choices throughout the day which in turn facilitates your positive emotional wellness.
Be the very thing you love in deserve the very best

I'll be posting my fave juicing/smoothie recipes daily here...

With love, Dawn