Tuesday 1 January 2013

New year, new beginnings. Setting goals for your new year revolution.

Eliminate clutter  from your life and get ready to focus....

Writing down clear specific goals can be motivating in itself as it'll engage your subconscious mind, however making them a successful reality also needs visualisation and action.

 One of the first lessons I learned from my great teacher Tony Robbins, is that it's never our lack of resources that hold us back - it's lack of resourcefulness. Also, the late Steve Jobs once skilfully pointed out  "deciding what not to do is as important as deciding what to do" 

So, with that in mind forget excuses or procrastination, focus forward and prepare  yourself for  your next level of greatness.

The top priority when setting your goal is to get into a great state of mind, bounce around, have a dance,  spend time remembering the last time you achieved something and it felt fantastic, punch the air, really allow yourself some minutes making these fresh connectives in your mind to bring you into a GREAT space, this is the mindset and energy you need to achieve your goal, start as you mean to go on.

1 Visualise your goal, once achieved what will it look like?  sense how will it feel? who will you be? how could it benefit others?

2  Write your goal down stating why it's your goal. Plus write down how YOU will know when you've achieved it? where it will happen, who will see it and when?

3 Write down a deadline on your calendar, tell people your intention to hold you accountable and cement your commitment.

4 Break the process into small achievable action steps.

5 Mark stages on a timeline so you know when it's time to step up.

6  Practice, practice, practice visualising your success.

7 Get over perfectionism, just get going.

8 Eliminate distractions to avoid procrastination.

9 Feed and nurture your goal like it's a dependant plant.

10 Know that  occasionally setbacks occur. Shit happens, learn from it.

11 Be prepared to raise your game (see above)

12 Be sure that if you do nothing, nothing will happen. You reap what you sow.

13 Who do you know who has achieved this before? study their process, enlist their help.

14 Create a vision board, take a blank canvas/cork board/scrapbook or PC screen and cover it with images, words, pictures and quotes, be flamboyant, use colour, dates or anything relevant to your goal's development and success. Look at your collage everyday for motivation and confirmation of what you're creating.

15 Believe in your creative greatness, your life is totally your own design.

Ps.. remember this is YOUR revolution, YOU have the power, give it a go!